South Jersey Trails Badge Design
Badge design and branding for the South Jersey Trails hiking blog. After discovering the South Jersey Trails blog and author, Mike McCormick’s list of 250 hiking trails, I made it my goal to visit all of the trails. I am currently at about 160 after 10 years, and the list keeps growing, so I still…
Most Average Player T-Shirt Design
Even though the star players are always the ones who get all of the attention in sports, the majority of us who play will never be MVPs. The stars can have their accolades, but we all know that they wouldn’t be there without the average players behind them. We see you Most Average Player! Purchase…
September themed bookmark design for church Bible reading plan.
Live Bono Society Logo Design
When I was in college, a group of my hall mates and I, who shared an affinity for the band U2, decided to meet periodically to listen to classic U2 songs, talk about all things U2, and select songs to be included in our ultimate U2 CD mix tape (yes, I’m aging myself). We named…
August colors bookmark design for church Bible reading plan.