editing, humor, marketing/promotion, photography, social media, video editing, video production, writing
Jingle Run Promo Video
December 4, 2018
Elf-Themed promotional video for Jingle Run benefit 5K. I wrote, directed, edited, and even starred in the video. Video edited in Adobe Premiere.
T-shirt logo design for church Turkey Bowl flag football game. Design create in Adobe Illustrator.
Light-hearted elf-themed poster design for Jingle Run 5K benefit. Poster was designed in Adobe Illustrator CC.
Kids Ministry Logo Rebrand
November 23, 2018
Logo design rebrand for church kids ministry for print and social media. I took the colored circles from the church’s main logo and then “splattered” them for the kids logo. The same colors and type from the main logo were used for the new one. Logo designs created in Adobe Illustrator.
Eerie scene of my log cabin in the woods surrounded by the fog. Photo edited in Adobe LightroomCC.