Lego Logo Vote Design
November 2, 2020
My version of the classic Lego logo reminding you to put down the bricks and go vote.
Atari “Fugi” Logo Vote Design
November 1, 2020
My remake of the iconic original Atari “fuji” logo reminding you to get off the couch in your parents’ basement and vote.
branding, design, editing, graphic design, logo design, marketing/promotion, social media, typography
Nirvana “Smiley Face” Logo Vote Design
October 29, 2020
My version of the iconic Smiley Face logo for the band Nirvana reminding all of you flannel wearing grunge kids from the mid 90s to vote.
Daylight Savings Social Post Designs
October 28, 2020
Daylight Savings reminder designs for social media posts.
branding, design, editing, graphic design, history, humor, print media, sticker design, store, t-shirt design, travel
A Man a Plan a Canal Panama Palindrome T-Shirt Designs
October 26, 2020
“A man a plan a canal Panama” fun palindrome flag and typography designs