23rd Psalmist Glass of Water T-Shirt Design
September 3, 2020
The optimist sees the glass half full, the pessimist sees it half empty, but for those that follow the Lord, the glass of water runs over.
branding, design, editing, history, logo design, marketing/promotion, music, photo editing, podcast, print media, store, t-shirt design, typography
Rock N’ Roll Elementary School Podcast T-Shirt Design
September 2, 2020
We took a summer break from the Rock N’ Roll Elementary School Podcast, but school is almost back in session.
A Night in Italy Ticket Design
August 18, 2020
Ticket design for Italian-themed dinner fundraiser.
Youth Group Game Designs
August 17, 2020
When I was a youth director, we had a few games that the students would often request to play. I created a few designs inspired by those favorite games.
Uni-Cone Ice Cream Shoppe T-Shirt Design
August 14, 2020
Design inspired by my daughter who created a Uni-Cone Ice Cream Shop with Legos.